Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The first book about Uber-X is an ebook by a driver. 

Makes sense.

An ebook written by an Uber-X driver who has driven more than 2000 trips.  This driver answers the questions that Uber-X riders have asked on a regular basis for more than a year.  The book tells the story of Uber-X’s genesis in a large metropolitan area from the point of view of an actual hands-on driver.

The book answers the What?, Why?, Who?, When?, Where? And How? questions that are on the
minds of literally millions of people around the world right now. 

If you love Uber-X, you need to read this book. 

If you hate Uber-X, you need to read this book. 

If you have no idea what Uber-X is, you need to read this book.

1 comment:

  1. Smerconish learns about Uber-X from a driver w/ 2500 trips.
    Read that diver's ebook. It defends a true innovation.
